• About Us

  • Twin Lakes Estates is a small neighborhood of 67 homes, 6 ponds and one historical wood carriage bridge that's situated in a beautiful town called Double Oak. Much like the rest of Double Oak our homeowners all enjoy the wide open spaces that comes with a minimum 1 Acre lot size standard. The division itself began somewhere around 1985 and a majority of our homeowners are the original owners of the custom built homes still standing proud and tall. Since the inception of our neighborhood a lot has grown up around us which created a pretty unique living environment.  Some people call it the Rural-City affect because it feels like the peace and quiet open spaces of the country but yet major retail stores are only a mile away. The six ponds / lakes in our neighborhood hosts quite a few species of animals.  Several kinds of fish inhabit our ponds but we also have a few flocks of wondering geese and several mallard ducks that like to call it home as well.  We've even had an occasional siting of a beaver that frequents our largest pond as well. Regardless of what brings you here, most people (and apparently animals too) end up staying here for the same reasons: We're neighborhood of hard-working and passionate people who care about where they live and appreciate it just as much. 

  • Board of Directors and Officials

  • President: 

    • Nathan Swaim

    Vice President: 

    • Ted Reeves


    • Robert Johnson
  • Treasurer:

    • Dan Johnson

    Board Directors

    • Doug Hubby
  • Bookkeeper:

    • Carol Johnson

    ARC Members:

    • Mike Dobie
    • Brian Manning
    • Mike Barney
  • Twin Lakes Estates